But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Christian Education
Christian Education is a great place to learn, pray, and get involved in the life of Fayette Church of the Nazarene. We hope you will join one of our classes that meets every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and begin to connect and share with a group of people who are also on a journey of faith.

Parents, to help ensure that you and your children get the most out of Christian Education, we encourage your children attend one of the classes listed below. However, if you prefer, you may keep them with you.
Christian Education Children’s classes:
• Nursery is provided throughout CE time and Worship Service
Birth—2 years (and potty trained)
• Pre-K through 5th grade
Bible stories, singing, crafts, games and friendship building.
This group is also available as Children’s Church during Worship Service.
Christian Education Youth Class
• Youth Bible Discussion Group
6th-12th grades
We have several adult classes available. Fell free to visit a class that interests you.
Faithful Followers Class (for all adult ages)
General Bible study subjects and discussion.
Prophecy Class (for all adult ages)
Video presentations and discussion time about Biblical prophecy.
Truth Seekers Class (20’s to 60’s)
Focus on growth in Christ and growing as a family of believers through Scriptural studies, topical studies and discussion.
General Adult Class (for all adult ages)
General Bible studies and discussion.
For more information on Nazarene Discipleship International: https://www.nwonaz.org/ndi/
What is Worship?
According to…
Webster: a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual.
Us: the act of expressing our extravagant respect, honor, & devotion to God.
Worship with us.
Join us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for a dynamic hour of worship. Our worship style reflects the variety in our church family. It’s a blend of traditional and contemporary music – hymns, praise choruses, and contemporary Christian songs – led by our worship teams.
We also use video clips and special music to add to the worship experience. While we try to make our time of worship exciting and uplifting, we realize that worship isn’t about putting on a “good show.” True worship is about making God the center of our lives, the “Essence of Our Everything.”
As a denomination, missions have been central to our identity.
Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is…
> the organization representing missions for the Church of the Nazarene at regional, district, & local levels <
> the promotional, educational, program, and fund-raising arm of missions <
> the organization providing the structure and spiritual dynamic for mobilizing the church in mission <
NMI Mission Statement:
To mobilize the church in mission through praying, discipling, giving, and educating.
NMI Objectives:
* To encourage people to pray for all efforts of world evangelization
* To inform people of the world’s needs and what the church is doing to meet those needs
* To challenge children and youth to learn about and participate in the mission of the church
* To raise funds for mission outreach